Generate Medico Reports, Addendum Reports and P35s in MOJ, UK prescribed format in under 10 minutes.

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How it Works

Generate Medico Legal Report in under 10 minutes


Register for free account

Register using linkedin, gmail or by filling in the registration form.


Add Patient

Add patient by using the form or by using scheduler to keep track of your appointments.


Generate Report

Generate Report by following the report wizard and filling in the required fields. Easily editable in text or wizard form.


Email Report & Invoice

Pdf of Report and Invoice can be emailed from within the portal to the referrer and history is kept for your records.

About Report Writer

Medico Legal Report writer allows for multiple types of report generation needed in the Medico Legal Domain.


Medico Legal Report

Generate Medico Reports in MOJ, UK prescribed format in under 10 minutes.


Addendum & Part 35 Report

Easy to use template to generate pre and post-accident medical document review report and Part 35 document.


Initial Assessment Report for Physiotherapy

Generate initial assessment report with comprehensive musculoskeletal examination for physiotherapy treatment.


Use anywhere, anytime

Medico reports is a web based system which can be used anywhere, anytime across all devices. All you need is an internet connection available .

Watch Report Writer in Action

A simplified interface making it effortless to use

What we offer

We offer Perfect Solution

Medico Legal Report Writing Simplified
Generate Medico Reports, Addendum Reports and P35s in MOJ, UK prescribed format in under 10 minutes.
Covers the mandatory sections
1. Past medical History
2. Accidental history
3. Injuries sustained(Diagnosis),
4. Treatment received,
5. Employment Position,
6. Consequential Effects (on domestic life, traveling and leisure life),
7. Comprehensive Examination details,
8. Prognosis and references.

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What we offer

Case Management System

A comprehensive solution to cater for all the needs of independent medical experts

An intuitive case management system to record complete case history regarding
• Correspondence
• Generated reports
• Case notes
• Important tasks/events related to the case

Automated invoice generation with a simple accounting manager to keep record of pending & paid invoices

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No contract

Sign up now for our Pay as you Use report writer
Buy credits and use them anytime to generate reports.

Pay as you use Plans

After your free report, you can continue using the report writer by subscribing to any of the following packages.

20 Credits

£30 (£1.50 per report)

  • Generate 20 Medico reports or initial assessments
  • Unlimited amendments
  • Unlimited addendums
  • Unlimited Part 35s
  • Unlimited patient records
  • Free online scheduler
  • 24/7 support

50 Credits

£62.5(£1.25 per report)

  • Generate 50 Medico reports or initial assessments
  • Unlimited amendments
  • Unlimited addendums
  • Unlimited Part 35s
  • Unlimited patient records
  • Free online scheduler
  • 24/7 support

100 credits

£100(£1 per report)

  • Generate 100 Medico reports or initial assessments
  • Unlimited amendments
  • Unlimited addendums
  • Unlimited Part 35s
  • Unlimited patient records
  • Free online scheduler
  • 24/7 support
Web Based
£1 Per Report
Appointment Schedule

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